Roots Of Empathy - Mme Laura

Roots Of Empathy - Mme Laura
November - 2014

Saturday 22 November 2014

Dear Parents,

As you are aware, our classroom was chosen to participate in the "Roots do Empathy Program" at Bannatyne School.  I have included a picture of Mme Laura with her baby, Tomas.  We have had one visit with Baby Tomas and another will be coming up soon.  During the first visit we found out that Tomas was 3 1/2 mths old and approximately 21 inches in length.

Thank you to Mme Rachelle who is facilitating these sessions.  There is a bulletin board in the hallway near the office that includes many pictures from our first visit.  I encourage you to take a look at the bulletin board when you are in the school.  Furthermore, each student wrote something they learned from Baby Tomas which is really wonderful too!

Mme Smart

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